St. Vincent High School
Class Of 1959

Note: Many of the classmate comments on this site were from the 50th reunion in 2009; some classmates have updated their information. At least, you'll have SOME information!

St. Vincent Class of 1959

60th Year Class Reunion

Saturday September 28, 2019

5:00 p.m. St. Vincent Church

Celebration of Liturgy

Main Event!

 Fairlawn Country Club

6:00 p.m. Hors d’Oeuvres/Cash Bar/Buffet Dinner

200 North Wheaton Rd, Akron, 44313

Cost: $65.00 per person.

($75.00 after September 1, 2019)


Come join your classmates for an evening of fun, laughter, and high school memories. Classmates attending the Saturday Night Gala will receive a FREE Directory. ($15.00 Value)

 Additional Weekend Activities:


(Optional) Friday, September27 –7:30 p.m. Football Game at Infocision Stadium at Akron University.(NEW LOCATION) Call or visit our website for additional information.


Friday, September27 –6:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.Casual get-together at Papa Joe’s Restaurant (Judy Iacomini Amato ’59) in the Valley. 1561 Akron Peninsula Rd Akron, 44313. Hors d’Oeuvres provided. Cash bar.


Sunday, September 29. 12:00 Noon. Optional Lunch at Beau’s Grille in the Hilton Akron Fairlawn Hotel, 3180 W. Market St. (across from Summit Mall), Akron, 44333.


Hotel Reservations: A block of rooms for Friday and/or Saturday is reserved at the HILTON AKRON/FAIRLAWN   3180 W. Market St. (across from Summit Mall), Akron, 44333. (330-867-5000). 

If you call, mention “ST VINCENT CLASS OF 1959” to get the $119.00 (+ tax) rate when making reservations.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CALL: 330-666-1193 OR     E-mail

  The Reunion Committee thanks you for your prompt reply.

To puchase ticket(s), click on the "Events" link to the left, or the "RSVP/BuyTickets Click here" button in the upper right.

You can also take advantage of this web site to communicate with our classmates. You MUST create or update your profile to send emails to other classmates. If you have a recent photo of yourself and/or family, you can post it to your profile. You may also post a "Then" picture from your yearbook. To do this, click on the GREEN "SIGN UP" BUTTON on the upper right corner and  create a classmate profile by clicking the "Create Your Profile" link.

 Classmates that have posted profiles, photos and stories may or may not be planning on attending your reunion.  This is just an area for communication and it is not a list of those attending your reunion, so please take a moment to create or update your classmate profile.

  NOTE: Once you have added your details, it may take up to 24 hours for the web organizer to authenticate your profile, so please be patient and do not create a second profile.
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